REALITY CHECK: Emily Lauren Meyer Works Hard And Plays Harder At Goodby, Silverstein & Partners

Posted on April 21, 2010 by


Thank God for Starbucks. The double shot of espresso worked time and half to get me up and running. As the espresso started to kick in, the account team regrouped to review the competitive analysis that I had lost sleep over the night before. We went over key insights, strategy, creative devices and the implications for our client within the category. During this long regroup, there were definitely delirious moments of blaring music, dance parties and vending machine lunches. (Who knew advertising was so glamorous.)

Four hours later, our brains were officially fried. We recessed for a bit to finish tying up all the other account management delights such as billing, client emails and team check-ins.

4 o’clock rolled around and our final regroup was scheduled before the weekend. We all walked in the conference room a bit worn out from the long week. Rather than getting down to business, we randomly proceeded to do a team photo shoot in the conference room as we waited for our director. To our surprise, our account director entered the room and stopped dead in her tracks. We froze like kids who were just caught by mom. But she quickly broke the silence by her infectious laughter of surprise and amusement. I think it’s safe to say that the meeting was highly productive.

Instead of buckling down, we hopped next door to the bar for a quick drink (and team bonding of course). Chuck, the bartender greeted us by name.  He always has the perfect cure for the common advertising brain fog: beer.

After a quick drink, the team decided to regroup on Saturday for a few hours just to wrap up the competitive report. I mean, it was Friday after all, and we were just physically and mentally exhausted.

The following week, we presented the deck and the clients loved it. Can you say, nailed it?! Yes, yes we did. It’s the small victories that really make the difference folks and this project was no exception.

Although the 25 cent agency beers and next door bar are definite perks, in times of hell, it’s the people that that make you want to work your ass off and come back for more.  We’re a large family of hard-working advertising lovers. But be warned, buckle your seatbelt and bring a shot (or two) of espresso, because it’s gonna be an intense ride.

Emily is an Assistant Account Manager at Goodby, Silverstein & Partners

Goodby, Silverstein & Partners is a full-service advertising agency, founded in 1983 by Jeff Goodby and Rich Silverstein. Located in San Francisco, the agency has been responsible for many well-known advertising and marketing campaigns across all media and also leads work on global campaigns for such clients as Hewlett-Packard, Adobe Systems, and Comcast.

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