Visual Thesaurus

Posted on April 16, 2010 by


Are you a writer who thinks visually, an art director who thinks verbally, or a thinker who just thinks? If so, you might want to put this in your toolbox.

It’s Visual Thesaurus, and this is how it works:

When you type in a word, the software maps out its synonyms, which you can click on to move further in the chain.

For example, I typed in “art” and Visual Thesaurus spit back 8 synonyms. Not bad. But let’s say I want to explore “fine art”. Now it gives me an additional 17 words. That’s 23 words in just two chains. That’s a lot of headline ideas, visual ideas, or just ideas in general.

The catch is that it’s not free. But you can try out several searches before it prompts you to buy. (If you’re a starving student, you can always clear your cookies to try it again and again.)

Shout out to Lisa Mueller of Godfrey Q and Partners for the tip.

Tuan is a copywriting student at AAU. See his work at

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